Protected car exteriors even in summer

Protected car exteriors even in summer

Have you just bought a new car and are you worried about the excruciating heat, the direct sun, and the ever-increasing temperatures? Here are 6 tips for you for perfect car body care in the summer. Obviously, not everyone immediately thinks of the bodywork in the heat, we tend to think more about the interior but, as you well know, the exterior is the part we notice the most.

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Never underestimate any part of the engine to replace

Let’s face it: how much do we know about engines? How much maintenance are we able to do on our own? How well do we know the pieces that make it up? We could say: we know enough.

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Car battery

Energy for cars!

The day your car doesn’t start is not the best time to buy a new car battery. But according to some research, that’s exactly what most people do. If you ended up here by mistake, we still hope to be able to help you with some advice on buying a fundamental piece of your car.

You will likely need to replace the car battery once or twice during the life of your vehicle as it ages or wears out from exposure to heat and repeated charging and discharging. A dead battery can be a real hassle, especially if you can’t find cables or have to wait for roadside assistance.

Taking good care of your battery can help you get its maximum yield and expect maximum life. Being attentive to his condition (and age) can help us understand when it’s time to start thinking about a replacement.

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Car roof rack systems

Less Bulk in the Passenger Compartment of Your Car

There are four main questions to consider before buying a roof rack. And luckily there are only four! Let’s take a quick look at each of the questions you should ask yourself before discussing what are the main parts of car roof racks and the features you should pay attention to.

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From the Ladder to the Monocoque for Different Types of Vehicles

The chassis is often considered a part of the car you don’t need to pay particular attention to. Not many people know what it is and even fewer people care about it. Of course, we have no choice in selecting the chassis we want to fit on our car, but knowing the different types of car chassis will help you determine what potential your car has and what its limitations are.

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Universal roof bars

How to Intelligently Use the Space on the Roof of Your Car

New car and no extra space in the trunk? How do we do it? We can change the car for a larger one, or we can decide to mount bars to increase the usable space for transport using the roof.

Don’t think there is a dedicated model for your machine? No problem: universal roof bars exist.

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Atmospheric Agents and Car Bodywork

Protecting your vehicle from atmospheric agents becomes a top priority if you have already experienced damage from hail, ice or snow. Your vehicle is too valuable to leave it exposed to these elements which can cause damage. This is especially important if you don’t have a garage, carport, or another covered area that can protect your vehicle.

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The Purpose of Brake Pads: Why You Need Them

Brake pads are an important safety feature of any vehicle. They are required to stop the vehicle when needed and they help prevent the wheels from skidding during high-speed driving. Brake pads naturally wear down over time but you can prolong the life of your brakes by taking care of them.

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Mercedes front car bumper

Driving bumps? No problem: he’ll take care of it!

We all own a vehicle, but no one gives it enough importance. Why? In fact, it is one of our best driving allies, both for aerodynamics and in the event of collisions. We are obviously talking about the car bumper.

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Information on Car Motor Oil

What is the difference between different grades of motor oil? Car manufacturers recommend that in North America you should use SAE 5W-20 (5W signifies winter – it is able to operate at extremely low temperatures). A lower number means a thicker grade. The viscosity rating has more to do with an engine’s RPM if it is colder, which can clog small holes with deposits when the engine is cold.

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